“Everyone Deserves a Life”
Recreation, Education, & Community, Incorporated (REC, Inc.)
We are fighting to give our clients the same opportunities that society offers the rest of us — the things we take for granted: social, leadership, and physical fitness opportunities.
We supply socialization and recreation opportunities to adults with developmental disabilities in cooperation with clients, parents, caregivers, and 34 local agencies. Each month we serve between 120-170 people. Our extremely successful programs have filled a largely unmet need in the county and have been wholeheartedly embraced by the community.
Mission Statement
The mission of REC Inc is to bring the maximum number of people with developmental disabilities into recreational activities, local events, and philanthropic service, thereby empowering them and helping them find a place in the larger community.
By networking with people with disabilities, recreation departments, parents, caregivers, local artists, and agencies that provide services for these individuals we plan, produce, market, and provide high-quality, low-cost recreation programs and opportunities for this special population.
Statement of Need
In the community of people with developmental disabilities loneliness and isolation are additional
disabling factors. Agencies have documented the following behavior resulting from this marginalization: frequent visits to Emergency Rooms, late night phone calls to acquaintances for support, problems with alcoholism and drug abuse, increased consumption of food and resulting weight gains, aggressive and violent behaviors toward family members and friends, absenteeism from work, and increased depression. One very encouraging solution is the introduction of opportunities for groups of disabled people to socialize.
These programs must be specially structured because people with developmental disabilities often have few skills in establishing and maintaining social relationships. They need to be reassured; often they are reluctant to reach out to others and somebody else must initiate those first contacts. Once the opportunity is established, they need help interacting, assistance with transportation, and reminders of when the events occur. It is also essential to have someone there to encourage participation, to maintain a level of enthusiasm, and to ensure the quality of the programs.
Where the Current System Fails
We are providing these services because no one else is. The organizations which are currently set up to aid people with developmental disabilities do not have the resources available to spend on social or recreational opportunities. If an agency does offer an occasional event, it is only for the few select clients that the agency serves, NOT to the general community of people with developmental disabilities. The recreation departments, due to significant cuts over the last two decades, no longer have the management necessary to provide successful recreation programs to special populations.
Who we serve and what
distinguishes our project from others
Almost all of our clients are low income, living off of monthly Social Security checks. We began our programs in 1994 because in Marin County there were almost no opportunities for this population. What few programs there were, were too difficult for people to attend (transportation and paperwork are often issues), too expensive, or too exclusive. Some agencies require clients to fill out forms and get clearance from the Golden Gate Regional Center. Others offer an occasional event, but it is only for the few select clients that the agency serves, NOT to the general community of people with developmental disabilities.
Anyone can attend our programs, which generally cost $0 - $6 (more if it includes a restaurant dinner). No paperwork or extra fees are required. We planned our programs after doing intensive needs assessments to find out what time slots were best for our clients as well as what programs were most wanted. With the input of our client advisory board (composed of adults with developmental disabilities, parents, & caregivers) we constantly work to keep our slate of programs responsive to the needs of this community.
Standards of Service
We have found that very often there are no standards of quality in recreation for people with developmental disabilities. The "success" of a program should not be merely its existence. We offer programs with high quality instructors in public facilities with measurable goals and objectives, and we constantly strive to better the programs.
Awards won for our programs & our efforts
1994 Neighborhood Achievement Award (Lifehouse)
1997 MARC Open Arms Award (Lifehouse)
1999 California Park & Recreation Society Community Service Award
1999 Lions Abdul Award
2000 Lions Distinguished Service Awards for Erin Duggan & Beth Suess
2000 State Proclamation for Exceptional Service for Erin Duggan & Beth Suess
2006 Lions Club International President’s Certificates of Appreciation for Erin Duggan & Beth Suess
Celebrate “Everyone Deserves a Life” through REC Inc programs!